June 8


Travel Hacks For Working Remote

A few weeks ago I sat down with travel hack expert Jeff J. Hunter to chat about all things travel and entrepreneurship. Jeff has an inspiring story of following his passion and turning it into a successful virtual business where he can be location independent and truly get more out of life. Sounds amazing, right? But don’t think risks and sacrifices weren’t made along the way. Leaving a full-time career to pursue your passion takes both planning and faith. His success is inspiring to hear for any aspiring entrepreneur or freelancer looking for a work life with the flexibility of being remote.

Whether you’re dreaming of a career switch or just want some advice on traveling smarter, we have some tips to share with you. Watch the video below for some of our best kept travel hacks and secrets to staying productive while on the road.

What are some of your must-have items while traveling or working remote? I would love to know in the comment below! For me, I no longer travel internationally without my portable mifi device. It’s the simplest tech gadget to set up and use, and it will without a doubt make your trip a lot more comfortable having wireless connection whenever you need it.

Thanks for watching, and happy travels!

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