June 8


Jesse Miller with Sharpen The Hustle interviews Outsourcing Expert Jeff J. Hunter

No pants, no service. That isn’t my rule! 😂

I’ve closed thousands of dollars in sales in my underwear, from the comfort of my home office. 

Of course, my clients never saw me in my underwear. 

It’s amazing how entrepreneurs can create space for living the lives they want to live.

Many people want to live their dream life. 

They crave freedom. 

Career freedom is one of the top reasons why people start side hustles and become freelancers. 

However, many of those people cannot successfully scale their side hustle. 📈

They don’t know how to go from hustle to a profitable business. 

The deals I’ve closed in my underwear were with entrepreneurs who needed to scale their businesses. 

And some big-name brands who were already making millions. 

So I know quite a bit about going from making thousands to millions, and in some cases billions. 💲


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